Patents Assigned to SWAY MEDICAL LLC

Published by Justia Patents - Sep 27, 2018
System and method for assessing postural sway and human motion
Patent number: 9451916
Abstract: There is provided herein a system and method for performing a balance evaluation that utilizes a hand held accelerometer that measures upper body compensatory and correctional movement. Instead of testing movement in the waist or lower extremity as is commonly done, the instant invention measures thoracic trunk sway to estimate an individual's balance via positional change algorithms. By holding the measuring device to the chest and performing one or a variety of balance tests, the instant invention can determine the amount of sway in the trunk without attached or fixed monitors, which presents a novel approach to assessing postural sway above the center of mass.
Type: Grant
Filed: August 1, 2012
Date of Patent: September 27, 2016
Inventor: Chase Curtiss

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